Surrey Area - Division 3 - 2015-2016

Date Time Home Score Away Venue Replay
02-Apr Bank of England 2 NPL [1] Badgers
02-Apr Barnes 3 R : R Sanderstead 1 > 09-Jan
02-Apr Epsom 3 0 : 3 Wanderers 4
02-Apr Guildford [3] Shadows P : P Surrey Spartans 2 > 15-Mar
02-Apr Reigate Priory 2 8 : 6 Camberley & Farnborough 2
02-Apr Spencer [8] Hurricanes R : R London Edwardians 3 > 09-Jan
20-Mar Sanderstead 1 4 : 6 Bank of England 2 < 16-Jan
19-Mar Epsom 3 1 : 4 Spencer [8] Hurricanes
19-Mar London Edwardians 3 2 : 2 Guildford [3] Shadows
19-Mar NPL [1] Badgers Barnes 3
19-Mar Sanderstead 1 2 : 4 Reigate Priory 2
19-Mar Surrey Spartans 2 4 : 4 Bank of England 2
19-Mar Wanderers 4 5 : 0 Camberley & Farnborough 2
15-Mar Guildford [3] Shadows 4 : 2 Surrey Spartans 2 < 02-Apr
12-Mar Bank of England 2 4 : 1 London Edwardians 3
12-Mar Barnes 3 5 : 4 Surrey Spartans 2
12-Mar Camberley & Farnborough 2 5 : 2 Sanderstead 1
12-Mar Guildford [3] Shadows 2 : 2 Epsom 3
12-Mar Reigate Priory 2 NPL [1] Badgers
12-Mar Spencer [8] Hurricanes 1 : 2 Wanderers 4
05-Mar Epsom 3 0 : 1 Bank of England 2
05-Mar London Edwardians 3 4 : 3 Barnes 3
05-Mar NPL [1] Badgers Camberley & Farnborough 2
05-Mar Spencer [8] Hurricanes 3 : 3 Guildford [3] Shadows
05-Mar Surrey Spartans 2 4 : 5 Reigate Priory 2
05-Mar Wanderers 4 1 : 0 Sanderstead 1
27-Feb Bank of England 2 2 : 1 Spencer [8] Hurricanes
27-Feb Barnes 3 0 : 0 Epsom 3
27-Feb Camberley & Farnborough 2 1 : 2 Surrey Spartans 2
27-Feb London Edwardians 3 3 : 3 Reigate Priory 2 Reversed
27-Feb Sanderstead 1 NPL [1] Badgers
27-Feb Wanderers 4 2 : 1 Guildford [3] Shadows Reversed
20-Feb Epsom 3 2 : 5 Reigate Priory 2
20-Feb Guildford [3] Shadows 3 : 3 Bank of England 2
20-Feb London Edwardians 3 3 : 1 Camberley & Farnborough 2
20-Feb Spencer [8] Hurricanes 2 : 0 Barnes 3
20-Feb Surrey Spartans 2 1 : 3 Sanderstead 1
20-Feb Wanderers 4 NPL [1] Badgers
13-Feb Bank of England 2 3 : 6 Wanderers 4
13-Feb Barnes 3 3 : 2 Guildford [3] Shadows
13-Feb Camberley & Farnborough 2 3 : 0 Epsom 3
13-Feb NPL [1] Badgers Surrey Spartans 2
13-Feb Reigate Priory 2 8 : 1 Spencer [8] Hurricanes
13-Feb Sanderstead 1 4 : 1 London Edwardians 3
06-Feb Bank of England 2 1 : 0 Barnes 3
06-Feb Epsom 3 3 : 3 Sanderstead 1
06-Feb Guildford [3] Shadows 0 : 8 Reigate Priory 2
06-Feb London Edwardians 3 NPL [1] Badgers
06-Feb Spencer [8] Hurricanes 1 : 2 Camberley & Farnborough 2
06-Feb Wanderers 4 5 : 0 Surrey Spartans 2
30-Jan Barnes 3 0 : 1 Wanderers 4
30-Jan Camberley & Farnborough 2 3 : 0 Guildford [3] Shadows
30-Jan London Edwardians 3 3 : 0 Surrey Spartans 2 Reversed
30-Jan NPL [1] Badgers Epsom 3
30-Jan Reigate Priory 2 6 : 3 Bank of England 2
30-Jan Sanderstead 1 5 : 5 Spencer [8] Hurricanes
23-Jan Bank of England 2 4 : 4 Camberley & Farnborough 2
23-Jan Barnes 3 0 : 8 Reigate Priory 2
23-Jan Epsom 3 9 : 1 Surrey Spartans 2
23-Jan Guildford [3] Shadows 5 : 1 Sanderstead 1
23-Jan Spencer [8] Hurricanes NPL [1] Badgers
23-Jan Wanderers 4 1 : 0 London Edwardians 3
16-Jan Camberley & Farnborough 2 1 : 3 Barnes 3
16-Jan London Edwardians 3 1 : 1 Epsom 3
16-Jan NPL [1] Badgers Guildford [3] Shadows
16-Jan Reigate Priory 2 3 : 2 Wanderers 4
16-Jan Sanderstead 1 P : P Bank of England 2 > 20-Mar
16-Jan Surrey Spartans 2 1 : 6 Spencer [8] Hurricanes
09-Jan Barnes 3 0 : 1 Sanderstead 1 < 02-Apr
09-Jan Spencer [8] Hurricanes 4 : 0 London Edwardians 3 < 02-Apr
09-Jan Bank of England 2 5 : 2 Surrey Spartans 2 < 05-Dec
12-Dec Camberley & Farnborough 2 8 : 1 Reigate Priory 2
12-Dec London Edwardians 3 5 : 3 Spencer [8] Hurricanes
12-Dec NPL [1] Badgers Bank of England 2
12-Dec Sanderstead 1 6 : 4 Barnes 3
12-Dec Surrey Spartans 2 2 : 3 Guildford [3] Shadows
12-Dec Wanderers 4 1 : 0 Epsom 3
05-Dec Bank of England 2 P : P Surrey Spartans 2 > 09-Jan
05-Dec Barnes 3 NPL [1] Badgers
05-Dec Camberley & Farnborough 2 0 : 3 Wanderers 4
05-Dec Guildford [3] Shadows 0 : 3 London Edwardians 3
05-Dec Reigate Priory 2 6 : 2 Sanderstead 1
05-Dec Spencer [8] Hurricanes 1 : 3 Epsom 3
28-Nov Epsom 3 2 : 1 Guildford [3] Shadows
28-Nov London Edwardians 3 4 : 2 Bank of England 2
28-Nov NPL [1] Badgers Reigate Priory 2
28-Nov Sanderstead 1 5 : 3 Camberley & Farnborough 2
28-Nov Surrey Spartans 2 2 : 5 Barnes 3
28-Nov Wanderers 4 4 : 1 Spencer [8] Hurricanes
21-Nov Bank of England 2 2 : 4 Epsom 3
21-Nov Barnes 3 0 : 8 London Edwardians 3
21-Nov Camberley & Farnborough 2 NPL [1] Badgers
21-Nov Guildford [3] Shadows 2 : 1 Spencer [8] Hurricanes
21-Nov Reigate Priory 2 3 : 1 Surrey Spartans 2
21-Nov Sanderstead 1 3 : 1 Wanderers 4
14-Nov Epsom 3 2 : 0 Barnes 3
14-Nov Guildford [3] Shadows 1 : 5 Wanderers 4 Reversed
14-Nov NPL [1] Badgers Sanderstead 1
14-Nov Reigate Priory 2 1 : 6 London Edwardians 3 Reversed
14-Nov Spencer [8] Hurricanes 3 : 4 Bank of England 2
14-Nov Surrey Spartans 2 1 : 2 Camberley & Farnborough 2
07-Nov Bank of England 2 4 : 1 Guildford [3] Shadows
07-Nov Barnes 3 2 : 0 Spencer [8] Hurricanes
07-Nov Camberley & Farnborough 2 4 : 2 London Edwardians 3
07-Nov NPL [1] Badgers Wanderers 4
07-Nov Reigate Priory 2 3 : 3 Epsom 3
07-Nov Sanderstead 1 3 : 1 Surrey Spartans 2
31-Oct Epsom 3 2 : 1 Camberley & Farnborough 2
31-Oct Guildford [3] Shadows 3 : 1 Barnes 3
31-Oct London Edwardians 3 5 : 2 Sanderstead 1
31-Oct Spencer [8] Hurricanes 3 : 5 Reigate Priory 2
31-Oct Surrey Spartans 2 NPL [1] Badgers
31-Oct Wanderers 4 9 : 1 Bank of England 2
24-Oct Barnes 3 2 : 3 Bank of England 2
24-Oct Camberley & Farnborough 2 3 : 2 Spencer [8] Hurricanes
24-Oct NPL [1] Badgers London Edwardians 3
24-Oct Reigate Priory 2 3 : 2 Guildford [3] Shadows
24-Oct Sanderstead 1 5 : 3 Epsom 3
24-Oct Surrey Spartans 2 1 : 4 Wanderers 4
17-Oct Bank of England 2 3 : 2 Reigate Priory 2
17-Oct Epsom 3 NPL [1] Badgers
17-Oct Guildford [3] Shadows 1 : 1 Camberley & Farnborough 2
17-Oct Spencer [8] Hurricanes 1 : 2 Sanderstead 1
17-Oct Surrey Spartans 2 2 : 4 London Edwardians 3 Reversed
17-Oct Wanderers 4 3 : 3 Barnes 3
10-Oct Camberley & Farnborough 2 2 : 2 Bank of England 2
10-Oct London Edwardians 3 0 : 4 Wanderers 4
10-Oct NPL [1] Badgers Spencer [8] Hurricanes
10-Oct Reigate Priory 2 2 : 2 Barnes 3
10-Oct Sanderstead 1 8 : 1 Guildford [3] Shadows
10-Oct Surrey Spartans 2 5 : 0 Epsom 3
03-Oct Bank of England 2 2 : 5 Sanderstead 1
03-Oct Barnes 3 2 : 2 Camberley & Farnborough 2
03-Oct Epsom 3 5 : 2 London Edwardians 3
03-Oct Guildford [3] Shadows NPL [1] Badgers
03-Oct Spencer [8] Hurricanes 0 : 0 Surrey Spartans 2
03-Oct Wanderers 4 5 : 0 Reigate Priory 2