Hampshire Open League - Division 4 - 2005-2006
Date |
Time |
Home |
Score |
Away |
Venue |
Replay |
22-Apr |
Chichester Centurians
5 : 0 |
University of Portsmouth 2
< 03-Dec |
09-Apr |
Chichester Centurians
2 : 1 |
Isle of Wight 2
< 29-Jan |
08-Apr |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
5 : 0 |
Isle of Wight 2
< 27-Dec |
01-Apr |
0 : 4 |
Haslemere 4
< 04-Mar |
01-Apr |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
0 : 2 |
Chichester Centurians
< 04-Feb |
01-Apr |
Southampton University 4
8 : 0 |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
< 08-Oct |
25-Mar |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
3 : 2 |
City of Portsmouth 5
25-Mar |
Haslemere 4
7 : 1 |
Andover 3
25-Mar |
0 : 3 |
University of Portsmouth 2
25-Mar |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
2 : 3 |
Isle of Wight 2
25-Mar |
Southampton University 4
3 : 3 |
Chichester Centurians
25-Mar |
Winchester 5
7 : 0 |
Gosport 1898
18-Mar |
Andover 3
4 : 2 |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
18-Mar |
City of Portsmouth 5
4 : 6 |
Southampton University 4
18-Mar |
Gosport 1898
3 : 1 |
Haslemere 4
18-Mar |
Isle of Wight 2
3 : 2 |
Winchester 5
18-Mar |
0 : 3 |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
18-Mar |
University of Portsmouth 2
3 : 4 |
Chichester Centurians
12-Mar |
Southampton University 4
1 : 3 |
Haslemere 4
< 28-Jan |
11-Mar |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
2 : 4 |
Gosport 1898
11-Mar |
Chichester Centurians
4 : 2 |
City of Portsmouth 5
11-Mar |
Haslemere 4
6 : 1 |
Isle of Wight 2
11-Mar |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
4 : 0 |
University of Portsmouth 2
11-Mar |
Southampton University 4
4 : 3 |
Andover 3
11-Mar |
Winchester 5
5 : 0 |
04-Mar |
Andover 3
2 : 2 |
Chichester Centurians
04-Mar |
Gosport 1898
1 : 2 |
Southampton University 4
04-Mar |
Isle of Wight 2
4 : 0 |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
04-Mar |
P : P |
Haslemere 4
> 01-Apr |
04-Mar |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
1 : 3 |
Winchester 5
04-Mar |
University of Portsmouth 2
1 : 2 |
City of Portsmouth 5
25-Feb |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
1 : 1 |
25-Feb |
Chichester Centurians
6 : 2 |
Gosport 1898
25-Feb |
City of Portsmouth 5
3 : 2 |
Andover 3
25-Feb |
Haslemere 4
4 : 3 |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
25-Feb |
Southampton University 4
3 : 0 |
Isle of Wight 2
25-Feb |
Winchester 5
2 : 2 |
University of Portsmouth 2
18-Feb |
Gosport 1898
0 : 4 |
City of Portsmouth 5
18-Feb |
Isle of Wight 2
0 : 13 |
Chichester Centurians
18-Feb |
2 : 3 |
Southampton University 4
18-Feb |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
5 : 0 |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
18-Feb |
University of Portsmouth 2
6 : 0 |
Andover 3
18-Feb |
Winchester 5
3 : 2 |
Haslemere 4
11-Feb |
Andover 3
5 : 1 |
Gosport 1898
11-Feb |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
0 : 4 |
Winchester 5
11-Feb |
Chichester Centurians
5 : 1 |
11-Feb |
City of Portsmouth 5
3 : 0 |
Isle of Wight 2
11-Feb |
Haslemere 4
2 : 1 |
University of Portsmouth 2
11-Feb |
Southampton University 4
2 : 3 |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
04-Feb |
Haslemere 4
5 : 6 |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
04-Feb |
Isle of Wight 2
3 : 2 |
Andover 3
04-Feb |
2 : 4 |
City of Portsmouth 5
04-Feb |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
P : P |
Chichester Centurians
> 01-Apr |
04-Feb |
University of Portsmouth 2
4 : 1 |
Gosport 1898
04-Feb |
Winchester 5
4 : 3 |
Southampton University 4
29-Jan |
Chichester Centurians
P : P |
Isle of Wight 2
> 09-Apr |
28-Jan |
Andover 3
3 : 0 |
28-Jan |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
1 : 2 |
University of Portsmouth 2
28-Jan |
Chichester Centurians
1 : 2 |
Winchester 5
28-Jan |
City of Portsmouth 5
1 : 1 |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
28-Jan |
Gosport 1898
2 : 1 |
Isle of Wight 2
28-Jan |
Southampton University 4
P : P |
Haslemere 4
> 12-Mar |
21-Jan |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
2 : 2 |
Southampton University 4
21-Jan |
Haslemere 4
6 : 1 |
Chichester Centurians
21-Jan |
4 : 1 |
Gosport 1898
21-Jan |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
7 : 2 |
Andover 3
21-Jan |
University of Portsmouth 2
4 : 2 |
Isle of Wight 2
21-Jan |
Winchester 5
5 : 0 |
City of Portsmouth 5
14-Jan |
Andover 3
0 : 12 |
Winchester 5
14-Jan |
Chichester Centurians
3 : 2 |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
14-Jan |
City of Portsmouth 5
3 : 1 |
Haslemere 4
14-Jan |
Gosport 1898
0 : 4 |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
14-Jan |
Isle of Wight 2
3 : 3 |
14-Jan |
Southampton University 4
4 : 4 |
University of Portsmouth 2
27-Dec |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
P : P |
Isle of Wight 2
> 08-Apr |
10-Dec |
Andover 3
1 : 13 |
Haslemere 4
10-Dec |
Chichester Centurians
9 : 1 |
Southampton University 4
10-Dec |
City of Portsmouth 5
8 : 3 |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
10-Dec |
Gosport 1898
0 : 4 |
Winchester 5
10-Dec |
Isle of Wight 2
1 : 4 |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
10-Dec |
University of Portsmouth 2
0 : 5 |
03-Dec |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
5 : 0 |
Andover 3
03-Dec |
Chichester Centurians
P : P |
University of Portsmouth 2
> 22-Apr |
03-Dec |
Haslemere 4
1 : 1 |
Gosport 1898
03-Dec |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
3 : 1 |
03-Dec |
Southampton University 4
3 : 10 |
City of Portsmouth 5
03-Dec |
Winchester 5
9 : 0 |
Isle of Wight 2
26-Nov |
Andover 3
1 : 7 |
Southampton University 4
26-Nov |
City of Portsmouth 5
0 : 3 |
Chichester Centurians
26-Nov |
Gosport 1898
1 : 3 |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
26-Nov |
Isle of Wight 2
1 : 1 |
Haslemere 4
26-Nov |
1 : 1 |
Winchester 5
26-Nov |
University of Portsmouth 2
3 : 3 |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
19-Nov |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
P : P |
Isle of Wight 2
> 27-Dec |
19-Nov |
Chichester Centurians
11 : 1 |
Andover 3
19-Nov |
City of Portsmouth 5
0 : 3 |
University of Portsmouth 2
19-Nov |
Haslemere 4
4 : 1 |
19-Nov |
Southampton University 4
4 : 2 |
Gosport 1898
19-Nov |
Winchester 5
1 : 3 |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
12-Nov |
Andover 3
2 : 2 |
City of Portsmouth 5
12-Nov |
Gosport 1898
2 : 5 |
Chichester Centurians
12-Nov |
Isle of Wight 2
3 : 3 |
Southampton University 4
12-Nov |
3 : 2 |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
12-Nov |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
6 : 3 |
Haslemere 4
12-Nov |
University of Portsmouth 2
1 : 1 |
Winchester 5
05-Nov |
Andover 3
2 : 6 |
University of Portsmouth 2
05-Nov |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
0 : 5 |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
05-Nov |
Chichester Centurians
P : P |
Isle of Wight 2
> 29-Jan |
05-Nov |
City of Portsmouth 5
6 : 1 |
Gosport 1898
05-Nov |
Haslemere 4
0 : 5 |
Winchester 5
05-Nov |
Southampton University 4
2 : 1 |
29-Oct |
Gosport 1898
5 : 2 |
Andover 3
29-Oct |
Isle of Wight 2
8 : 3 |
City of Portsmouth 5
29-Oct |
0 : 5 |
Chichester Centurians
29-Oct |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
4 : 3 |
Southampton University 4
29-Oct |
University of Portsmouth 2
2 : 4 |
Haslemere 4
29-Oct |
Winchester 5
5 : 0 |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
23-Oct |
University of Portsmouth 2
7 : 3 |
Southampton University 4
< 01-Oct |
22-Oct |
Andover 3
6 : 3 |
Isle of Wight 2
22-Oct |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
4 : 1 |
Haslemere 4
22-Oct |
Chichester Centurians
5 : 2 |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
22-Oct |
City of Portsmouth 5
0 : 0 |
22-Oct |
Gosport 1898
0 : 5 |
University of Portsmouth 2
22-Oct |
Southampton University 4
0 : 2 |
Winchester 5
15-Oct |
Haslemere 4
1 : 0 |
Southampton University 4
15-Oct |
Isle of Wight 2
2 : 2 |
Gosport 1898
15-Oct |
5 : 1 |
Andover 3
15-Oct |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
6 : 2 |
City of Portsmouth 5
15-Oct |
University of Portsmouth 2
2 : 4 |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
15-Oct |
Winchester 5
4 : 4 |
Chichester Centurians
08-Oct |
Andover 3
4 : 1 |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
08-Oct |
Chichester Centurians
15 : 1 |
Haslemere 4
08-Oct |
City of Portsmouth 5
1 : 4 |
Winchester 5
08-Oct |
Gosport 1898
1 : 3 |
08-Oct |
Isle of Wight 2
1 : 3 |
University of Portsmouth 2
08-Oct |
Southampton University 4
P : P |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
> 01-Apr |
01-Oct |
Camberley & Farnborough 3
2 : 3 |
Chichester Centurians
01-Oct |
Haslemere 4
0 : 0 |
City of Portsmouth 5
01-Oct |
5 : 1 |
Isle of Wight 2
01-Oct |
Michelmersh & Timsbury 1
6 : 3 |
Gosport 1898
01-Oct |
University of Portsmouth 2
P : P |
Southampton University 4
> 23-Oct |
01-Oct |
Winchester 5
8 : 2 |
Andover 3