Open Premier League - Division 1 - 2000-2001
Date |
Time |
Home |
Score |
Away |
Venue |
Replay |
31-Mar |
Eastcote 3
Tunbridge Wells 3
< 24-Feb |
31-Mar |
Old Georgians 3
7 : 2 |
Lewes 3
< 17-Mar |
24-Mar |
City of Portsmouth 3
Tunbridge Wells 3
< 03-Mar |
24-Mar |
Fareham 3
4 : 2 |
Eastcote 3
< 03-Mar |
17-Mar |
East Grinstead 3
2 : 2 |
Basingstoke 3
17-Mar |
Fareham 3
1 : 1 |
Canterbury 4
17-Mar |
Horsham 3
2 : 6 |
Eastcote 3
17-Mar |
Old Georgians 3
P : P |
Lewes 3
> 31-Mar |
17-Mar |
Tunbridge Wells 3
Havant 3
17-Mar |
Winchester 3
6 : 3 |
City of Portsmouth 3
10-Mar |
Canterbury 4
Tunbridge Wells 3
10-Mar |
City of Portsmouth 3
0 : 5 |
Fareham 3
10-Mar |
Eastcote 3
2 : 4 |
Winchester 3
10-Mar |
Havant 3
2 : 1 |
East Grinstead 3
10-Mar |
Lewes 3
5 : 4 |
Basingstoke 3
10-Mar |
Old Georgians 3
9 : 3 |
Horsham 3
03-Mar |
Basingstoke 3
3 : 2 |
Havant 3
03-Mar |
East Grinstead 3
7 : 3 |
Canterbury 4
03-Mar |
Fareham 3
P : P |
Eastcote 3
> 24-Mar |
03-Mar |
Horsham 3
3 : 1 |
Lewes 3
03-Mar |
Tunbridge Wells 3
P : P |
City of Portsmouth 3
> 24-Mar |
03-Mar |
Winchester 3
2 : 2 |
Old Georgians 3
24-Feb |
Canterbury 4
1 : 0 |
Basingstoke 3
24-Feb |
City of Portsmouth 3
2 : 5 |
East Grinstead 3
24-Feb |
Eastcote 3
P : P |
Tunbridge Wells 3
> 31-Mar |
24-Feb |
Horsham 3
11 : 3 |
Winchester 3
24-Feb |
Lewes 3
0 : 5 |
Havant 3
24-Feb |
Old Georgians 3
4 : 1 |
Fareham 3
17-Feb |
Basingstoke 3
2 : 1 |
City of Portsmouth 3
17-Feb |
East Grinstead 3
5 : 0 |
Eastcote 3
17-Feb |
Fareham 3
8 : 0 |
Horsham 3
17-Feb |
Havant 3
2 : 1 |
Canterbury 4
17-Feb |
Tunbridge Wells 3
Old Georgians 3
17-Feb |
Winchester 3
2 : 4 |
Lewes 3
10-Feb |
City of Portsmouth 3
5 : 0 |
Havant 3
10-Feb |
Eastcote 3
4 : 3 |
Basingstoke 3
10-Feb |
Horsham 3
Tunbridge Wells 3
10-Feb |
Lewes 3
2 : 2 |
Canterbury 4
10-Feb |
Old Georgians 3
2 : 5 |
East Grinstead 3
10-Feb |
Winchester 3
1 : 4 |
Fareham 3
03-Feb |
Basingstoke 3
0 : 3 |
Old Georgians 3
03-Feb |
Canterbury 4
7 : 0 |
City of Portsmouth 3
03-Feb |
East Grinstead 3
8 : 2 |
Horsham 3
03-Feb |
Fareham 3
6 : 2 |
Lewes 3
03-Feb |
Havant 3
5 : 3 |
Eastcote 3
03-Feb |
Tunbridge Wells 3
Winchester 3
27-Jan |
Eastcote 3
1 : 2 |
Canterbury 4
27-Jan |
Fareham 3
Tunbridge Wells 3
27-Jan |
Horsham 3
1 : 3 |
Basingstoke 3
27-Jan |
Lewes 3
6 : 1 |
City of Portsmouth 3
27-Jan |
Old Georgians 3
3 : 1 |
Havant 3
27-Jan |
Winchester 3
2 : 5 |
East Grinstead 3
20-Jan |
Basingstoke 3
3 : 1 |
Winchester 3
20-Jan |
Canterbury 4
4 : 2 |
Old Georgians 3
20-Jan |
City of Portsmouth 3
3 : 3 |
Eastcote 3
20-Jan |
East Grinstead 3
3 : 1 |
Fareham 3
20-Jan |
Havant 3
2 : 1 |
Horsham 3
20-Jan |
Tunbridge Wells 3
Lewes 3
13-Jan |
Fareham 3
3 : 3 |
Basingstoke 3
13-Jan |
Horsham 3
3 : 7 |
Canterbury 4
13-Jan |
Lewes 3
3 : 1 |
Eastcote 3
13-Jan |
Old Georgians 3
3 : 1 |
City of Portsmouth 3
13-Jan |
Tunbridge Wells 3
East Grinstead 3
13-Jan |
Winchester 3
2 : 8 |
Havant 3
06-Jan |
Basingstoke 3
Tunbridge Wells 3
06-Jan |
Canterbury 4
4 : 0 |
Winchester 3
06-Jan |
City of Portsmouth 3
10 : 1 |
Horsham 3
06-Jan |
East Grinstead 3
2 : 1 |
Lewes 3
06-Jan |
Eastcote 3
0 : 2 |
Old Georgians 3
06-Jan |
Havant 3
6 : 3 |
Fareham 3
09-Dec |
Basingstoke 3
3 : 4 |
East Grinstead 3
09-Dec |
Canterbury 4
1 : 0 |
Fareham 3
09-Dec |
City of Portsmouth 3
0 : 8 |
Winchester 3
09-Dec |
Eastcote 3
5 : 0 |
Horsham 3
09-Dec |
Havant 3
Tunbridge Wells 3
09-Dec |
Lewes 3
1 : 5 |
Old Georgians 3
02-Dec |
Basingstoke 3
2 : 2 |
Lewes 3
02-Dec |
East Grinstead 3
5 : 6 |
Havant 3
02-Dec |
Fareham 3
1 : 1 |
City of Portsmouth 3
02-Dec |
Horsham 3
3 : 4 |
Old Georgians 3
02-Dec |
Tunbridge Wells 3
Canterbury 4
02-Dec |
Winchester 3
2 : 2 |
Eastcote 3
25-Nov |
Canterbury 4
1 : 0 |
East Grinstead 3
25-Nov |
City of Portsmouth 3
Tunbridge Wells 3
25-Nov |
Eastcote 3
3 : 0 |
Fareham 3
25-Nov |
Havant 3
6 : 6 |
Basingstoke 3
25-Nov |
Lewes 3
4 : 1 |
Horsham 3
25-Nov |
Old Georgians 3
7 : 1 |
Winchester 3
18-Nov |
Basingstoke 3
3 : 1 |
Canterbury 4
18-Nov |
East Grinstead 3
9 : 0 |
City of Portsmouth 3
18-Nov |
Fareham 3
2 : 4 |
Old Georgians 3
18-Nov |
Havant 3
7 : 0 |
Lewes 3
18-Nov |
Tunbridge Wells 3
Eastcote 3
18-Nov |
Winchester 3
4 : 3 |
Horsham 3
11-Nov |
Canterbury 4
2 : 5 |
Havant 3
11-Nov |
City of Portsmouth 3
2 : 3 |
Basingstoke 3
11-Nov |
Eastcote 3
1 : 4 |
East Grinstead 3
11-Nov |
Horsham 3
1 : 6 |
Fareham 3
11-Nov |
Lewes 3
1 : 3 |
Winchester 3
11-Nov |
Old Georgians 3
Tunbridge Wells 3
04-Nov |
Basingstoke 3
1 : 5 |
Eastcote 3
04-Nov |
Canterbury 4
5 : 0 |
Lewes 3
04-Nov |
East Grinstead 3
4 : 2 |
Old Georgians 3
04-Nov |
Fareham 3
6 : 6 |
Winchester 3
04-Nov |
Havant 3
5 : 1 |
City of Portsmouth 3
04-Nov |
Tunbridge Wells 3
Horsham 3
28-Oct |
City of Portsmouth 3
3 : 5 |
Canterbury 4
28-Oct |
Eastcote 3
1 : 3 |
Havant 3
28-Oct |
Horsham 3
0 : 6 |
East Grinstead 3
28-Oct |
Lewes 3
1 : 0 |
Fareham 3
28-Oct |
Old Georgians 3
6 : 0 |
Basingstoke 3
28-Oct |
Winchester 3
Tunbridge Wells 3
21-Oct |
Basingstoke 3
2 : 2 |
Horsham 3
21-Oct |
Canterbury 4
5 : 2 |
Eastcote 3
21-Oct |
City of Portsmouth 3
2 : 2 |
Lewes 3
21-Oct |
East Grinstead 3
5 : 1 |
Winchester 3
21-Oct |
Havant 3
1 : 5 |
Old Georgians 3
21-Oct |
Tunbridge Wells 3
Fareham 3
14-Oct |
Eastcote 3
5 : 1 |
City of Portsmouth 3
14-Oct |
Fareham 3
1 : 2 |
East Grinstead 3
14-Oct |
Horsham 3
1 : 4 |
Havant 3
14-Oct |
Lewes 3
Tunbridge Wells 3
14-Oct |
Old Georgians 3
7 : 0 |
Canterbury 4
14-Oct |
Winchester 3
2 : 1 |
Basingstoke 3
07-Oct |
Basingstoke 3
3 : 1 |
Fareham 3
07-Oct |
Canterbury 4
7 : 0 |
Horsham 3
07-Oct |
City of Portsmouth 3
5 : 4 |
Old Georgians 3
07-Oct |
East Grinstead 3
Tunbridge Wells 3
07-Oct |
Eastcote 3
4 : 1 |
Lewes 3
07-Oct |
Havant 3
6 : 0 |
Winchester 3
30-Sep |
Fareham 3
4 : 4 |
Havant 3
30-Sep |
Horsham 3
1 : 2 |
City of Portsmouth 3
30-Sep |
Lewes 3
2 : 4 |
East Grinstead 3
30-Sep |
Old Georgians 3
5 : 5 |
Eastcote 3
30-Sep |
Tunbridge Wells 3
Basingstoke 3
30-Sep |
Winchester 3
1 : 4 |
Canterbury 4