1st XI Middx, Berks, Bucks & Oxon - Division 1 - 1992-1993

Player Total Team Goals FG PC PS
1 Mark Whyte 21 Milton Keynes
2 Andrew Smith 13 Boyne Hill
3 James Sheffield 12 PHC Chiswick
4 Matthew Paul 7 Milton Keynes 1ps
5 Tony Instone 6 Banbury
6 Ian Brown 5 Banbury
7 Paul Durrant 4 Banbury
Jason Harris 4 Milton Keynes
8 Charlie Snelling 3 Milton Keynes
9 Martin Hunter 2 Headington
Phil Plant 2 Banbury
Tom Tuthill 2 Banbury
10 Nick Bailey 1 Banbury
Marcus Ballyn 1 Banbury
Tim Cracknell 1 Farnham Common
Roy Davis 1 Milton Keynes
John Furlong 1 Imperial College
Rob Gardner 1 Banbury
Per Hampton 1 Milton Keynes
Giles Haynes 1 Banbury
Harry Kerwood 1 Banbury
Derek Monserrat 1 British Telecom
Trevor Morrow 1 Banbury
Simon Riches 1 Richings Park
Paul Scarborough 1 Richings Park
Mark Trowbridge 1 Witney
Rob Waters 1 PHC Chiswick
Simon Williams 1 Richings Park
Kingsley Woodland 1 Farnham Common
Woodruffe 1 Richings Park
99 0 0 1
AERE Harwell 0
Banbury 25
Bicester 0
Boyne Hill 13
British Airways 0
British Telecom 1
Farnham Common 2
Harrow Town Swans 0
Headington 2
Imperial College 1
Milton Keynes 37
Newbury 0
PHC Chiswick 13
Reading University 0
Richings Park 4
Witney 1
Goals from matches where a team is Withdrawn or Awarded against are excluded from totals for the purpose of Top Goal Scorer.