Kent Area - Division 3 - 1974-1975

Player Total Team Goals FG PC PS
1 Terry Hallas 6 Sutton Valence 1fg
2 Darryl Trosh 5 Faversham 1pc
3 Brian Bartlett 2 Faversham
Richard Yelland 2 Old Bordenians
4 Stuart Chittenden 1 Old Bordenians
Geoff Frost 1 Faversham
Brian Gambrill 1 Sutton Valence
David Gambrill 1 Sutton Valence
Graham Hutchinson 1 Sutton Valence 1pc
Trevor Partridge 1 Faversham
John Reeves 1 Faversham
Nick Wilson 1 Sutton Valence
23 1 2 0
Britannic House 0
Faversham 10
Guys Hospital 0
Midland Bank 0
Old Bordenians 3
Reeds 0
Royal Arsenal 0
Sutton Valence 10
University of Kent 0
Wellcome 0
Invicta 0
Goals from matches where a team is Withdrawn or Awarded against are excluded from totals for the purpose of Top Goal Scorer.