Premier - Division 1 - 2011-2012

Player Total Team Goals
1 Adam Jordan 29 Oxford University
2 James Smith 18 Staines
Simon Yeo 18 London Wayfarers
3 Pieter Welten 17 Richmond
4 Andrew O'Sullivan 16 Old Georgians
5 Philip Balbirnie 15 Spencer
6 Josh Smith 14 Richmond
7 Christian Kortlang 13 London Wayfarers
Mathew Cox 13 Chichester
8 Richard Green 12 Staines
9 Iain Rorison 11 Richmond
10 Adam Beere 10 Old Georgians
Alex Fitter 10 Spencer
Ryan Van Der Reit 10 Old Georgians
Martin Gough 10 Chichester
James Treadgold 10 Brighton & Hove
11 Richard Appleton 9 London Wayfarers
Barny Knights-Johnson 9 Staines
Ben Blake 9 Richmond
Chris Wiseman 9 Spencer
Grant Sykes 9 Sevenoaks
Jeremy Sumner 9 Eastbourne
Joel Thomas 9 Sevenoaks
William Mumme-Young 9 London Wayfarers
Sam Rose 9 Brighton & Hove
12 Andy Edwards 8 Eastbourne
Michael Shelton 8 Sevenoaks
13 Andrew Sparshott 7 Chichester
Jamie Dodd 7 Milton Keynes
Michael Roper 7 Richmond
14 Alex Baxter 6 Chichester
Alex Evans 6 Oxford University
Alistair Kemp 6 Old Georgians
Andy Dixon 6 Milton Keynes
George Brooker 6 Banbury
Royden Burt 6 Banbury
Richard Cardigan 6 Staines
Michael Deller-Merricks 6 Eastbourne
Jack Lerwill 6 Chichester
Michael Oliver 6 Staines
15 Alex Stobbart 5 Oxford University
Ali McColl 5 Milton Keynes
Jack Beard 5 Spencer
Sam Beere 5 Old Georgians
Richard Blakesley 5 Chichester
Matt Davidson 5 Spencer
Will Devitt 5 Oxford University
Tom Harris 5 Brighton & Hove
Sajad Khan 5 Staines
Steven Micklewright 5 Old Georgians
Richard Townsend 5 Milton Keynes
Stephen Tilson 5 Spencer
Tim Warrington 5 Sevenoaks
16 Craig Acquaye 4 London Wayfarers
Adrian Simons 4 Banbury
Paul Arnott 4 Staines
Ollie Bell 4 Old Georgians
Ben Woodford 4 Milton Keynes
Chris George 4 London Wayfarers
Christian Judd 4 Spencer
Ciaran O'Connell 4 Staines
Daniel Hore 4 Brighton & Hove
James Dick 4 Banbury
Jamie Hayes 4 Eastbourne
Rob Hemmingway 4 Sevenoaks
Oliver Lobo 4 Oxford University
Tom Mullins 4 Oxford University
Richard Payne 4 Sevenoaks
Toby Watt 4 Sevenoaks
17 Aaron Brown 3 Sevenoaks
Andrew Acott 3 Brighton & Hove
Simon Ashton 3 Spencer
Ben Crease 3 Brighton & Hove
Simon Boardman 3 Banbury
Brett Holland 3 Milton Keynes
Euan Corbett 3 London Wayfarers
Gerald Cox 3 Chichester
Tim Craven 3 Banbury
James van den Driesen 3 Eastbourne
Fraser McColl 3 Milton Keynes
Ricky Fraser 3 Brighton & Hove
Joe Lyles 3 Richmond
Matt McNeill 3 Eastbourne
Steve Ubsdell 3 London Wayfarers
18 Adam Lewis 2 Old Georgians
Will Alderton 2 Oxford University
Alex Thakore 2 Chichester
Ali Barnes 2 Eastbourne
Chris Baker 2 Spencer
Josh Baraclough 2 Eastbourne
Gurmukh Bhamra 2 Staines
Bradley Lewington 2 London Wayfarers
Cameron Deans 2 Oxford University
Charlie Murphy 2 Banbury
Daniel Williams 2 Eastbourne
Neal Dolphin 2 Staines
John Federson 2 Oxford University
Sam Forster 2 Brighton & Hove
Ned Francis 2 London Wayfarers
Jes Heitel 2 Richmond
Henry Mumme-Young 2 London Wayfarers
Josh Nunneley 2 Banbury
Toby King 2 Milton Keynes
Mathew Lim 2 London Wayfarers
Mark Vowles 2 Richmond
Neil Pendle 2 Chichester
Nick Roberts 2 Staines
Tyson Nunneley 2 Banbury
Rochus Offerman 2 Oxford University
Patrick Skinner 2 Eastbourne
Paul Wallis 2 Chichester
Russell Perkins 2 Brighton & Hove
Steve Perry 2 Eastbourne
Stuart Pitu 2 Sevenoaks
19 Alan Dixon 1 Milton Keynes
Alex Holton 1 Chichester
Tom Alford 1 Richmond
Andre Labourt 1 Sevenoaks
Jonathan Appleby 1 Oxford University
Rupert Ashcroft 1 Brighton & Hove
Ben Green 1 Staines
Ben Rooney 1 Old Georgians
Patrick Brown 1 London Wayfarers
Matthew Bull 1 Banbury
James Callaway 1 Brighton & Hove
Cesco Van de Villet 1 Richmond
James Chapman 1 Staines
Jason Collins 1 Chichester
Steve O'Connor 1 Banbury
Freddie Coppin 1 Richmond
Ric Corbett 1 Richmond
Rob Cornell 1 Eastbourne
Craig Irvine 1 Banbury
Craig Ubsdell 1 London Wayfarers
David Hart 1 Banbury
Mark Davies 1 Milton Keynes
Tom Doran 1 Old Georgians
Duncan Graves 1 Oxford University
Richard Foreman 1 Banbury
Liam Greene 1 Staines
James Mumme-Young 1 London Wayfarers
Lyndon Lockhart 1 Sevenoaks
Simon Pinks 1 Spencer
Stephen Ruse 1 Milton Keynes
Simon Turner 1 Brighton & Hove
Tom Stubbs 1 Oxford University
Banbury 37
Brighton & Hove 44
Chichester 58
Eastbourne 44
London Wayfarers 74
Milton Keynes 38
Oxford University 64
Richmond 69
Spencer 59
Staines 73
Old Georgians 60
Sevenoaks 50
Goals from matches where a team is Withdrawn or Awarded against are excluded from totals for the purpose of Top Goal Scorer.