Premier - Playoff - 2009-2010

Player Total Team Goals
1 Paul Atkinson 3 Epsom 1
Aaron Glass 3 Gore Court 1
Steve Waldrom 3 Holcombe 2
2 Mahmood Bhatti 2 Epsom 1
David Cooper 2 Eastcote 1
3 Michael Atkinson 1 Epsom 1
Chris Cink 1 Holcombe 2
James Kitcherside 1 Holcombe 2
James Midmer 1 Epsom 1
Adam Mulholland 1 Eastcote 1
Steve Price 1 Holcombe 2
Gore Court 1 3
Eastcote 1 3
Holcombe 2 6
Epsom 1 7
Goals from matches where a team is Withdrawn or Awarded against are excluded from totals for the purpose of Top Goal Scorer.