Middx, Berks, Bucks & Oxon - Division 2 - 2010-2011

Player Total Team Goals
1 Will Trigg 25 Abingdon 1
2 Joe Bennion 21 Wycombe 3
3 Vincent Martin 19 West Hampstead 3
4 Harry Gaunt 11 Bicester 1
Paul Harris 11 Sonning 2
5 Chris Snelling 10 Oxford Hawks 3
6 Andrew Ringsell 9 Abingdon 1
Andy Evans 9 Staines 3
Matt Poulton 9 Sonning 2 8
Sonning 3 1
7 Alpesh Patel 8 Staines 3
Ed Chater 8 West Hampstead 3
Chris Ruff 8 Bicester 1
Denis McMillan 8 Abingdon 1
Wayne Dobbins 8 Bicester 1
Tom Thompsett 8 Wycombe 3
8 Ben Clarke 7 Wycombe 3
Hugh Lazenby 7 Oxford Hawks 3
9 Ian Harman 6 Wycombe 3
Nick Hart 6 West Hampstead 3
10 Colm Hanlon 5 Sonning 3 2
Sonning 2 3
Huw Tasker 5 Rover Oxford 3
Jordan Manning 5 Sonning 2 4
Sonning 3 1
Keith Murfin 5 Rover Oxford 3
Mark Rigby 5 West Hampstead 3
11 Rocky Armstrong 4 West Hampstead 3
Barry Thomas 4 Staines 3
Owen Blackburn 4 Abingdon 1
Guy Dolton 4 West Hampstead 3
Jake Hodgins 4 Aylesbury 2
Joe Sach 4 Bicester 1
Mark Lumb 4 Oxford Hawks 3
Simon Roberts 4 West Hampstead 3
12 Sohail Arshad 3 Staines 3
Ben Cheeseman 3 Sonning 2
Mark Bowes 3 Aylesbury 2
Chris Daniel 3 Wycombe 3
Chris Goodman 3 Sonning 3
Sean Cox 3 Oxford Hawks 3
David Stanley 3 Wycombe 3
James Forrester 3 Staines 3
Geoff Snell 3 Bicester 1
Jonathan Roger 3 Bicester 1
Jonny Taylor 3 Abingdon 1
Rik Knight 3 Sonning 3
Rob Lloyd 3 Wycombe 3
Stuart Locke 3 Bicester 1
Neil Thomson 3 Sonning 2
13 Andy Burroughs 2 Wycombe 3
Ian Arnould 2 Staines 3
Avni Arya 2 Oxford Hawks 3
CJ Birtles 2 Bicester 1
Mike Bywater 2 Bicester 1
Tim Clay 2 Sonning 2
David Hibbert 2 Abingdon 1
David Pegg 2 Abingdon 1
Liam Dyson 2 Rover Oxford 3
Tom Harris 2 Rover Oxford 3
William Holderness 2 Wycombe 3
Joergen Jaehnig 2 West Hampstead 3
James Laszlo 2 Staines 3
James Lockhart 2 Sonning 2
James McTaggart 2 Rover Oxford 3
John Stevens 2 Wycombe 3
John Wareham 2 Staines 3
Luke Smith 2 Bicester 1
Martin Rengger 2 Staines 3
Mike Sartorius 2 Sonning 3
Moritz Schauder 2 West Hampstead 3
Phil Whitington 2 Staines 3
Slater 2 Aylesbury 2
14 Adrian Welten 1 Wycombe 3
Alky Price 1 West Hampstead 3
Jules Allfrey 1 West Hampstead 3
Andy Nelhams 1 Staines 3
Angus Twogood 1 Wycombe 3
Ant Mattheson 1 Sonning 2
Lee Aye 1 Oxford Hawks 3
Banting 1 Rover Oxford 3
Julian Barnes 1 Newbury & Thatcham 2
Rob Baxter 1 West Hampstead 3
Ben Cowan 1 Oxford Hawks 3
Connor Blakey 1 Abingdon 1
James Brown 1 West Hampstead 3
Justin Brown 1 Wycombe 3
Chris McFarlane 1 Oxford Hawks 3
Chris Spencer 1 Aylesbury 2
Christopher Roberts 1 Sonning 3
George Clements 1 Rover Oxford 3
Richard Cook 1 West Hampstead 3
Dave Ellis 1 Rover Oxford 3
Ed Gurney 1 Aylesbury 2
Ed Hill 1 Aylesbury 2
Tom Elder 1 Sonning 3
Mark Ellis 1 Abingdon 1
Fraser Kinvig 1 Wycombe 3
Gareth Gainer 1 West Hampstead 3
Stuart Goodacre 1 Bicester 1
Nick Green 1 Abingdon 1
Richard Green 1 Abingdon 1
Marc Hignell 1 Aylesbury 2
PJ Howard 1 Oxford Hawks 3
Ian Oak 1 Bicester 1
Ian Small 1 West Hampstead 3
Mark Inskip 1 Newbury & Thatcham 2
James Lawton-Smith 1 Rover Oxford 3
James Lemmon 1 West Hampstead 3
James Rogers 1 Oxford Hawks 3
Joe Saunders 1 Sonning 2
Neil Jones 1 Bicester 1
Kevin Wharton 1 Rover Oxford 3
Konstantin Oelfke 1 West Hampstead 3
Matthew Sellwood 1 Sonning 2
Miles Skevington 1 Wycombe 3
Oly Yiend 1 Sonning 2
Paul Stock 1 Wycombe 3
Sam Raynor 1 Oxford Hawks 3
Ricky Verdon 1 Sonning 3
Tyler Simpson 1 Oxford Hawks 3
Abingdon 1 57
Aylesbury 2 13
Bicester 1 49
British Airways 2 0
Wycombe 3 63
Newbury & Thatcham 2 2
Oxford Hawks 3 33
Rover Oxford 3 21
Sonning 2 37
Sonning 3 13
Staines 3 38
West Hampstead 3 63
Goals from matches where a team is Withdrawn or Awarded against are excluded from totals for the purpose of Top Goal Scorer.