1st XI Premier League - 1989-1990

Player Total Team Goals FG PC PS
1 Murray Novell 12 Old Mid Whitgiftians 1fg 3pc 1ps
2 Neil Biggs 11 Oxford Hawks 6pc 2ps
3 Paul Barry 10 Anchorians 1fg 4pc
4 Mark Fitzgerald 8 Eastcote
5 Andy Milner 7 Eastcote 2pc
Player 7 Winchester
6 Evans 5 Old Mid Whitgiftians 2pc
Paul Tubb 5 Trojans 1pc
Tim Winstone 5 Oxford Hawks
7 Jeff Dawson 4 Anchorians 1pc
Neil Gordon 4 Anchorians
Warren Shave 4 Anchorians 1pc 3ps
Simon Smith 4 Oxford Hawks 2pc 1ps
Tony Stewart 4 Gravesend
Sullivan 4 Old Mid Whitgiftians 4ps
Paul Sunnucks 4 Marden Russets 4pc
David Want 4 Anchorians 1fg
8 Peter Bennett 3 Oxford Hawks
Eric Briton 3 Winchester
Andy King 3 Oxford Hawks 3pc
Gary Marshall 3 Marden Russets 2pc 1ps
Trevor Shave 3 Anchorians 1pc
Wareham 3 Old Mid Whitgiftians 1fg
9 Atwal 2 Winchester
Richard Barrett 2 Gravesend
Conquest 2 Old Mid Whitgiftians 2pc
Phil Dunnill 2 Oxford Hawks
Ecclestone 2 Oxford Hawks
Griffin 2 Winchester
Ian Jackson 2 Anchorians
Robert Luke 2 Sevenoaks
Mitchell 2 Old Mid Whitgiftians
Henry Robinson 2 Marden Russets
Simon Samuel 2 Eastcote 1pc
Andy Simmons 2 Gravesend 1pc
Taylor 2 Winchester
Roy Taylor 2 Sevenoaks 1pc 1ps
Gary Tucker 2 Eastcote 1fg
Bill Westacott 2 Sevenoaks 1pc
10 Mike Anthony 1 Eastcote
Julian Archer 1 Trojans 1fg
Clive Bick 1 Sevenoaks
Clive Biddlecombe 1 Gravesend 1pc
Chris Bloor 1 Anchorians
Duncan Brown 1 Eastcote
Dave Butler 1 Anchorians
Carver 1 Winchester
Corney 1 Oxford Hawks
Jerry Cox 1 Bognor
Peter Creelman 1 Marden Russets
John Dinnis 1 Sevenoaks
Chris Drane 1 Eastcote 1ps
John Harding 1 Eastcote
Martin Higgins 1 Oxford Hawks
Jamie Horne 1 Marden Russets
Rob Houghton 1 Chichester 1fg
Jones 1 Winchester
Lelliot 1 Winchester
Simon Palmer 1 Chichester 1pc
Neil Pendle 1 Chichester
Jeremy Philpot 1 Marden Russets
Senior 1 Winchester
Thompson 1 Old Mid Whitgiftians
Peter Vaughan 1 Sevenoaks
177 7 40 14
Anchorians 33
Bognor 1
Camberley 0
Chichester 3
Eastcote 23
Fareham 0
Gravesend 9
High Wycombe 0
Marden Russets 12
Old Mid Whitgiftians 29
Old Tauntonians 0
Oxford Hawks 32
Sevenoaks 9
Trojans 6
Tunbridge Wells 0
Winchester 20
Goals from matches where a team is Withdrawn or Awarded against are excluded from totals for the purpose of Top Goal Scorer.