Middx, Berks, Bucks & Oxon - Division 3 - 2011-2012

Player Total Team Goals
1 Nick Lendon 33 Harrow 1
2 Martin Newell 23 Phoenix & Ranelagh 1
Tom Warner 23 Phoenix & Ranelagh 1
3 Matt Darvell 20 Milton Keynes 3
4 Alex Lombino 19 Leighton Buzzard 1
Colin Jones 19 Harrow 1
David Fry 19 Leighton Buzzard 1
5 Damon Hill 16 Windsor 1
6 Jatin Patel 14 Harrow 1
7 Thomas Lakins 12 Leighton Buzzard 1
Nick Marshall 12 Leighton Buzzard 1
8 Jack Burke 11 Oxford 4
Will Carr 11 Oxford 5
9 Atif Nasim 10 Phoenix & Ranelagh 1
Michael Bunyan 10 Windsor 1
Justin Green 10 West Hampstead 4
Neil Hutchins 10 Milton Keynes 3
Piers Walters 10 West Hampstead 4
10 Alex Law 9 West Hampstead 4
Jat Chana 9 Eastcote 4
Max Emery 9 Windsor 1
11 Andy Spencer 8 Leighton Buzzard 1
Stuart Boneham 8 Leighton Buzzard 1
Matt Ng 8 Eastcote 4
Nihal Shah 8 Eastcote 4
12 Adam Jurisich 7 Oxford 4
Garth Hinkel 7 Windsor 1
Tom Gilbert 7 Oxford 5 5
Oxford 4 2
Mark Stephenson 7 Leighton Buzzard 1
Richard Mitchell 7 Eastcote 4
13 Bill Lawry 6 Windsor 1
Dom Tyler 6 Milton Keynes 3
Dominic Tallent 6 Wokingham 2
Stephen Hudson 6 Oxford 4 5
Oxford 5 1
Jack Rooney 6 Phoenix & Ranelagh 1
William Jenkinson 6 Oxford 5
Richard Wallace 6 Wokingham 2
14 Alex Johnson 5 Windsor 1
Andrew Fullerton 5 West Hampstead 4
Russell Brazier 5 Milton Keynes 3
Corey Jamieson 5 Milton Keynes 3
Steve Eastman 5 Phoenix & Ranelagh 1
Richard Harlen 5 Phoenix & Ranelagh 1
James Lee 5 Leighton Buzzard 1
Kevin Wharton 5 Oxford 4
Lee Sheldon 5 Oxford 4 1
Oxford 5 4
Will Luther 5 Milton Keynes 3
15 Alex Weller 4 Windsor 1
Andy Hazelwood 4 Oxford 5
Ben 4 Eastcote 4
John-Joe Cottam 4 Phoenix & Ranelagh 1
Liam Dyson 4 Oxford 5
Paul Frame 4 Harrow 1
Gordon Poole 4 West Hampstead 4
Will Grogan 4 Harrow 1
Inder Singh 4 Windsor 1
Jack Luther 4 Milton Keynes 3
Mark Peel 4 Wokingham 2
Steve Timpson 4 Windsor 1
16 Tim Battey 3 West Hampstead 4
James Gibbs 3 Wokingham 2
Greg Walton 3 Tring 2
Huw Tasker 3 Oxford 4
Niall Watson 3 Harrow 1
Peter Tailby 3 Wokingham 2
17 Alex Richards 2 Milton Keynes 3
Andrew Geake 2 West Hampstead 4
Andy Strong 2 Phoenix & Ranelagh 1
Antoine Richard 2 West Hampstead 4
David Badger 2 Wokingham 2
Nick Lygo-Baker 2 Milton Keynes 3
Ben Fletcher 2 West Hampstead 4
Bradley Wallace 2 Phoenix & Ranelagh 1
Buddy 2 Eastcote 4
Lloyd Cadman 2 Oxford 4
Christophe Royer 2 Oxford 4
Sam Clarke-Wary 2 Oxford 4
Dan Lambert 2 Leighton Buzzard 1
David McMillan 2 Milton Keynes 3
Doug Woollett 2 Oxford 4 1
Oxford 5 1
Scott Dyer 2 West Hampstead 4
Enzo 2 Eastcote 4
Mark Ferguson 2 Wokingham 2
Gareth Gainer 2 West Hampstead 4
Greg Roach 2 Tring 2
Josh Harvey 2 Oxford 5
James Heath 2 Tring 2
Henry Jones 2 West Hampstead 4
Jonti Merry 2 Phoenix & Ranelagh 1
Kevin Mayles 2 Milton Keynes 3
Lewis 2 Eastcote 4
Mel Likimani 2 West Hampstead 4
Mark Probee 2 West Hampstead 4
Tim Marshall 2 Harrow 1
Terry Pollard 2 Wokingham 2
Steve Pritchard 2 Oxford 5
Richard Sharp 2 Tring 2
Richard Whitcombe 2 Windsor 1
Rowan Young 2 Oxford 4
Sam Scannel 2 Milton Keynes 3
Will Steed 2 Tring 2
18 Adrian Dudd 1 Milton Keynes 3
Dave Albon 1 Oxford 5
Alex Bull 1 Oxford 4
Alex Haynes 1 Windsor 1
Will Bartrip 1 Oxford 4
Steven Bearpark 1 Wokingham 2
Ross Bentley 1 Oxford 5
Caley Gardiner 1 Phoenix & Ranelagh 1
Cameron Dunlop 1 Wokingham 2
Canishk Naik 1 West Hampstead 4
Tom Christophers 1 Windsor 1
Clive Warncken 1 Leighton Buzzard 1
George Cooper 1 Tring 2
Sam Cornell 1 West Hampstead 4
David Marlow 1 West Hampstead 4
David Morgan 1 Wokingham 2
Jack Doodson 1 Tring 2
Nigel Farmer 1 Tring 2
Sam Fisher 1 Oxford 5
Tom Fitch 1 Milton Keynes 3
Joe Foster 1 Oxford 4
Rich Frost 1 Wokingham 2
Geoff P 1 Eastcote 4
Neil Haggis 1 Phoenix & Ranelagh 1
Tristan Hardy 1 Leighton Buzzard 1
Harvey 1 Eastcote 4
Hugo Manson 1 Tring 2
Iain Lovelace 1 Oxford 4
Jonathan Stuttard 1 Oxford 4
Jonathan Stuttart 1 Oxford 5
Nikhil Joshi 1 Harrow 1
Matt Taylor 1 Wokingham 2
Max Moor-Radford 1 Tring 2
Mike McCartney 1 West Hampstead 4
Nobby Styles 1 Tring 2
Rob 1 Eastcote 4
Steve Trivett 1 Leighton Buzzard 1
Toby Tinniswood 1 Phoenix & Ranelagh 1
Viv 1 Eastcote 4
Eastcote 4 46
Harrow 1 80
Leighton Buzzard 1 95
Milton Keynes 3 67
Phoenix & Ranelagh 1 85
Tring 2 17
West Hampstead 4 61
Windsor 1 69
Wokingham 2 33
Oxford 4 46
Oxford 5 38
Goals from matches where a team is Withdrawn or Awarded against are excluded from totals for the purpose of Top Goal Scorer.